// ==UserScript== // @name FaucetPay // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 1.1 // @description Auto claim PTC ads on FaucetPay. // @author Maksyme // @license MIT // @match https://faucetpay.io/ptc // @match https://faucetpay.io/ptc/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* ================================================================================================================================================== | Before installing this script, make sure you have installed the hCaptcha solver (https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/425854-hcaptcha-solver | | - made by engageub. | | | | To be able to use the hCaptcha solver, your browser must be in English. | | If you use a Chrome based browser (Google Chrome, Opera, etc), you must enable experimental features in order to hCaptcha solver works. | | Open a new tab and type [YOUR_BROWSER]://flags/ (eg: chrome://flags/), search for WebGL Draft Extensions and Override software rendering list, | | and enable them. | | | | This script requires a FaucetPay account, you can register by following this link: https://faucetpay.io/?r=949628. | | Then be sure that Settings > Updates > Check for updates is checked. | | Finally go on this page: https://faucetpay.io/ptc | ================================================================================================================================================== */ (function() { 'use strict'; //------------------------------------------ // website: "faucetpay.io", var timeoutEnd = false; var buttonAd = false; var end = false; setInterval(function() { if (window.location.href.includes("https://faucetpay.io/ptc/view/")) { if ((document.querySelector(".h-captcha > iframe").getAttribute("data-hcaptcha-response").length > 0) && (timeoutEnd == false)) { document.getElementsByClassName("btn btn-lg btn-danger")[0].click(); timeoutEnd = true; } } else if ((document.getElementsByClassName("btn btn-primary btn-block")[0]) && (buttonAd == false)) { document.getElementsByClassName("btn btn-primary btn-block")[0].click(); buttonAd = true; } else if (end == false) { end = true; // console.log("No PTC ads left for today! :)"); // window.alert("No PTC ads left for today! :)"); } }, 50 ); return; })(); //---------------------------