// ==UserScript== // @name Freebitco.in Simple Auto-roll Delayed to work with captcha solvers // @namespace // @description Auto roll // @author CryptClick.cc // @include https://freebitco.in/* // @run-at document-end // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getResourceURL // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant unsafeWindow // @version 0.0.2 // @icon // @credit // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/858653 // ==/UserScript== var timer = undefined; var counter = 0; var remain = 60*6; function try_roll() { var x = document.querySelector("#free_play_form_button"), myRP = document.getElementsByClassName("user_reward_points"), y = document.getElementById("bonus_container_free_points"), z = document.getElementById("bonus_container_fp_bonus"); console.log("Detect if we can roll"); document.title="Can we roll?"; if(x && x.style["display"] != "none") { console.log("Rolling..."); document.title="Rooling..."; x.click(); remain = 606; counter = 0; } } function count_up() { counter = counter + 1; if(counter >= remain) { location.reload(); } try_roll(); } function auto_roll() { if(document.location.href.indexOf("freebitco.in") == -1) return; try_roll(); timer = setInterval(count_up, 101000); /* 1 minutes */ } setTimeout(function(){ auto_roll(); }, 45000);